Friday, July 2, 2010


Last weeks quiz quote:

Person 1-"Hey Brutha. What's happenin' my main man?!(trys to get daps but is left hangin') Right on! Scotch."
Bartender- "Straightup?"
Peson 1- "Ehhh, give me the whole bottle."
Bartender-"Tell you what, you bend over and I'll shove it straightup your ass!"
Person 1 -"On the rocks is fine."

- "Weird Science". When Robert Downey Jr. and his pal are trying to order a drink from a bar. The bartender doesn't like how they try and act "hip/racist".

- Last week I stumped you guys again....awesome. This weeks quiz will be easier but don't expect any hints. New shit! New shit! I am starting to sell hints for $.99/each. If a lot of people start to buy them and it becomes big than I will inevitably start to charge $1.99/each.......cuz I'm a monopolizing, greeedy, selfish, inconsiderate, innice(that's right, innice) and slave-hosting corporation. And you can take that to the bank! And that's from the heart.

Quiz quote:

Person-"Brothas don't surf. If this gets back to the hood, won't none of the homies talk to me again."

- Okay okay fine, here's a hint....."Quonsue dudes!"....that'll be $.99 please. And you can take that to the bank! And that's from the heart....wait, I already said that.

- No one will figure this quiz out and put their answer in the comment section below for it's,

too hard, too long and too awesome,
give me some, only at night like a possum,
if I done told you once, I told you twice,
what's poppin?,
if this is the last time I flow,
don't stop me.......

...sorry, sometimes I randomly breakout into thug-flow.....have fun...bitches.

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